Memory management

Forget and memory leaks

While the usual way for memory to be reclaimed is for a variable to go out of scope, Rust provides special functions to manually reclaim memory: forget and drop of the std::mem module (or core::mem). While drop simply triggers an early memory reclamation that calls associated destructors when needed, forget skips any call to the destructors.

fn main() {
let pair = ('↑', 0xBADD_CAFEu32);
drop(pair); // here `forget` would be equivalent (no destructor to call)

Both functions are memory safe in Rust. However, forget will make any resource managed by the value unreachable and unclaimed.

fn main() {
use std::mem::forget;
let s = String::from("Hello");
forget(s); // Leak memory

In particular, using forget may result in not releasing critical resources leading to deadlocks or not erasing sensitive data from the memory. That is why, forget is unsecure.


In a secure Rust development, the forget function of std::mem (core::mem) must not be used.

Recommendation MEM-FORGET-LINT

The lint mem_forget of Clippy may be used to automatically detect any use of forget. To enforce the absence of forget in a crate, add the following line at the top of the root file (usually src/ or src/


The standard library includes other way to forget dropping values:

  • Box::leak to leak a resource,
  • Box::into_raw to exploit the value in some unsafe code, notably in FFI,
  • ManuallyDrop (in std::mem or core::mem) to enforce manual release of some value.

Those alternatives may lead to the same security issue but they have the additional benefit of making their goal obvious.


In a secure Rust development, the code must not leak memory or resource in particular via Box::leak.

ManuallyDrop and Box::into_raw shift the release responsibility from the compiler to the developer.


In a secure Rust development, any value wrapped in ManuallyDrop must be unwrapped to allow for automatic release (ManuallyDrop::into_inner) or manually released (unsafe ManuallyDrop::drop).


In a secure Rust development, any pointer created with a call to into_raw (or into_raw_nonnull) from one of the following types:

  • std::boxed::Box (or alloc::boxed::Box),
  • std::rc::Rc (or alloc::rc::Rc),
  • std::rc::Weak (or alloc::rc::Weak),
  • std::sync::Arc (or alloc::sync::Arc),
  • std::sync::Weak (or alloc::sync::Weak),
  • std::ffi::CString,
  • std::ffi::OsString,

must eventually be transformed into a value with a call to the respective from_raw to allow for their reclamation.

fn main() {
let boxed = Box::new(String::from("Crab"));
let raw_ptr = unsafe { Box::into_raw(boxed) };
let _ = unsafe { Box::from_raw(raw_ptr) }; // will be freed


In the case of Box::into_raw, manual cleanup is possible but a lot more complicated than re-boxing the raw pointer and should be avoided:

fn main() {
// Excerpt from the standard library documentation
use std::alloc::{dealloc, Layout};
use std::ptr;

let x = Box::new(String::from("Hello"));
let p = Box::into_raw(x);
unsafe {
    dealloc(p as *mut u8, Layout::new::<String>());

Because the other types (Rc and Arc) are opaque and more complex, manual cleanup is not possible.

Uninitialized memory

By default, Rust forces all values to be initialized, preventing the use of uninitialized memory (except if using std::mem::uninitialized or std::mem::MaybeUninit).


The std::mem::uninitialized function (deprecated 1.38) or the std::mem::MaybeUninit type (stabilized 1.36) must not be used, or explicitly justified when necessary.

The use of uninitialized memory may result in two distinct security issues:

  • drop of uninitialized memory (also a memory safety issue),
  • non-drop of initialized memory.


std::mem::MaybeUninit is an improvement over std::mem::uninitialized. Indeed, it makes dropping uninitialized values a lot more difficult. However, it does not change the second issue: the non-drop of an initialized memory is as much likely. It is problematic, in particular when considering the use of Drop to erase sensitive memory.

Secure memory zeroing for sensitive information

Zeroing memory is useful for sensitive variables, especially if the Rust code is used through FFI.


Variables containing sensitive data must be zeroed out after use, using functions that will not be removed by the compiler optimizations, like std::ptr::write_volatile or the zeroize crate.

The following code shows how to define an integer type that will be set to 0 when freed, using the Drop trait:

/// Example: u32 newtype, set to 0 when freed
pub struct ZU32(pub u32);

impl Drop for ZU32 {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("zeroing memory");
        unsafe{ ::std::ptr::write_volatile(&mut self.0, 0) };

fn main() {
    let i = ZU32(42);
    // ...
} // i is freed here