Library Prelude.Control.Sum

Generalizable All Variables.

From Coq.Program Require Import Equality.
From Coq Require Import Setoid.

From Prelude Require Export Control Function Equality.

Open Scope prelude_scope.

Bind Scope monad_scope with sum.

Inductive sum_equal `{Equality l, Equality r} : l + r -> l + r -> Prop :=
| equal_left (x y : l) (equ : x == y) : sum_equal (inl x) (inl y)
| equal_right (x y : r) (equ : x == y) : sum_equal (inr x) (inr y).

Instance sum_equal_Equivalence `{Equality l, Equality r}
  : Equivalence (sum_equal (l:=l) (r:=r)).

Next Obligation.
  intros [x|x]; constructor; reflexivity.

Next Obligation.
  intros [x|x] y equ; inversion equ; subst; constructor; now symmetry.

Next Obligation.
  intros x [y|y] z equ1 equ2;
    inversion equ1; subst;
      inversion equ2; subst;
        etransitivity; eauto.

Instance sum_Equality `{Equality l, Equality r} : Equality (l + r) :=
  { equal := sum_equal

Definition sum_map {l a b} (f : a -> b) (x : l + a) : l + b :=
  match x with
  | inr x => inr (f x)
  | inl x => inl x

Instance sum_Functor `{Equality l} : Functor (sum l) :=
  { map := @sum_map l

Next Obligation.
  destruct x as [x|x]; reflexivity.

Next Obligation.
  destruct x as [x|x]; reflexivity.

Definition sum_pure {l a} (x : a) : l + a :=
  inr x.

Definition sum_app {l a b} (f : l + (a -> b)) (x : l + a) : l + b :=
  match f, x with
  | inr f, inr x => inr (f x)
  | inl e, _ | _, inl e => inl e

Instance sum_Applicative `{Equality l} : Applicative (sum l) :=
  { pure := @sum_pure l
  ; apply := @sum_app l

Next Obligation.
  destruct v as [x|x]; reflexivity.

Next Obligation.
  destruct u; destruct v; destruct w; reflexivity.

Next Obligation.

Next Obligation.
  destruct u; reflexivity.

Next Obligation.
  destruct x; reflexivity.

Definition sum_bind {l a b} (x : l + a) (f : a -> l + b) : l + b :=
  match x with
  | inr x => f x
  | inl x => inl x

Instance sum_Monad `{Equality l} : Monad (sum l) :=
  { bind := @sum_bind l

Next Obligation.

Next Obligation.
  destruct x; reflexivity.

Next Obligation.
  destruct f; reflexivity.

Next Obligation.
  destruct x.
  + reflexivity.
  + apply H1.

Next Obligation.

Why not EitherT

Because of the definition of EitherT m (it is basically a wrapper arround m (Either)), we cannot prove the functor laws (and probably the other laws too).
In order to be able to prove these laws, we need an additionnal law that tells map f is a morphism as long as f is a morphism. This works pretty great with all monads defined in FreeSpec.Control, expect... Program (which is unfortunate). The reason is the definition of the Program Equality instance is too strong and require the results of the realization of two equivalent programs to be equal, not equivalent.
It is not clear how hard it would be to fix that, so for now we have an ad-hoc solution. See the FreeSpec.Fail library for more information about that. It basically provides the necessary tools to promote an Interface so that the operational Semantics may fail. It also provides a specific monad called FailProgram to deal with the errors in a transparent manner.