Library Prelude.Data.Open

Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Arith.PeanoNat.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.

Require Import Prelude.Control.Sum.
Require Import Prelude.Data.Void.

Import ListNotations.
Local Open Scope list_scope.

If you use polymorphic definition, do no use function from the standard library. Define your own.
Fixpoint cardinal
         {a: Type}
         (l: list a)
  : nat :=
  match l with
  | _ :: rst
    => S (cardinal rst)
  | nil
    => O

Fixpoint get
         (set: list Type)
         (n: nat)
         {struct n}
  : Type :=
  match n, set with
  | 0, t :: _
    => t
  | S n, _ :: set'
    => get set' n
  | _, _
    => Void

The open union type. For instance, a value (v: union [nat; bool]) will be either of type nat or bool.
Inductive union
          (set: list Type)
  : Type :=
| OneOf {t: Type}
        (n: nat)
        (Ht: get set n = t)
        (Hn: n < cardinal set )
        (x: t)
  : union set.

Arguments OneOf [set t] (n Ht Hn x).

An “open product”. Similarly to union, it is parameterized by a list of types.
Inductive product
  : list Type -> Type :=
| Acons (a: Type)
        (x: a)
        (set: list Type)
        (rst: product set)
  : product (a :: set)
| Anil
  : product [].

Arguments Acons [a] (x) [set] (rst).

Given an open product (x: product set), get the nth element of type get set n.
Fixpoint fetch
         {set: list Type}
         (x: product set)
         (n: nat)
         (H: n < cardinal set)
  : get set n.
case_eq set.
+ intros Heq.
  cbn in H.
+ intros T l Heq.
  dependent induction x.
  induction n.
  exact x.
  apply fetch.
  ++ exact x0.
  ++ cbn in H.

Given an open product (x: product set), change the nth element of type get set n by a new value v.
Fixpoint swap
         {set: list Type}
         (x: product set)
         (n: nat)
         (H: n < cardinal set)
         (v: get set n)
         {struct x}
  : product set.
case_eq set.
+ intros Heq.
  cbn in H.
+ intros T l Heq.
  dependent induction x.
  induction n.
  ++ exact (Acons v x0).
  ++ refine (Acons x _).
     apply (swap l x0 n).
     +++ cbn in H.
     +++ exact v.

Given a list of type set and a natural number n, returns a list of type wherein the nth element of set is absent.
Fixpoint remove
         (set: list Type)
         (n: nat)
  : list Type :=
  match set, n with
  | _ :: rst, 0
    => rst
  | x :: rst, S n
    => x :: remove rst n
  | _, _
    => []

Given an arbitrary list of types set, we want to be able to tell whether or not it contains the type t. This is what the Contains typeclass is for.
Class Contains
      (t: Type)
      (set: list Type)
  := { rank: nat
     ; rank_get_t: get set rank = t
     ; rank_bound: rank < cardinal set

Arguments rank (t set) {_}.
Arguments rank_get_t (t set) {_}.
Arguments rank_bound (t set) {_}.

One obvious instance of Contains is that the type get set n is contains in set.
Instance Contains_nat
         (set: list Type)
         (n: nat)
         (H: n < cardinal set)
  : Contains (get set n) set :=
  { rank := n
  ; rank_get_t := eq_refl
  ; rank_bound := H

Then, following what is often done in Haskell in this context, we can define two instances of Contains:
First, a list contains its head.
#[program, universes(polymorphic)]
Instance Contains_head
         (t: Type)
         (set: list Type)
  : Contains t (cons t set) :=
  { rank := 0
  ; rank_get_t := eq_refl

Next Obligation.
  apply Nat.lt_0_succ.

Then, if a list set contains a type t, then any list constructed by appending an element to set also contains t.
#[universes(polymorphic), program]
Instance Contains_tail
         (t any: Type)
         (set: list Type)
         (H: Contains t set)
  : Contains t (cons any set) :=
  { rank := S (rank t set)

Next Obligation.
  apply rank_get_t.

Next Obligation.
  apply lt_n_S.
  apply rank_bound.

Using the Contains typeclass, we can define a useful function inj to easily construct values of arbitrary open unions.
#[universes(polymorphic), program]
Definition inj
           {t: Type}
           {set: list Type} `{Contains t set}
           (x: t)
  : union set :=
  OneOf (rank t set) (rank_get_t t set) (rank_bound t set) x.

The aim of the visit function is two fold. Given an open product x and a function (f: t -> a * t) such that a value of type t is present in x (as enforced by the Contains constraint). It returns the result of type a produced by f along with an open union such that the value of type t has been swapped with the value of type t produced by f.
Definition visit
           {t: Type}
           {set: list Type} `{Contains t set}
           {a: Type}
           (x: product set)
           (f: t -> a * t)
  : a * product set.
  refine (match fetch x (rank t set) (rank_bound t set)
                return get set (rank t set) = t -> a * product set
          | v
            => fun (H: get set (rank t set) = t)
               => _
          end (rank_get_t t set)).
  remember (f (eq_rect (get set (rank t set)) (fun X => X) v t H)) as p.
  induction p as [v' u].
  refine (v', swap x (rank t set) (rank_bound t set) _).
  refine (eq_rect t (fun X => X) u (get set (rank t set)) _).
  exact H.