
SecuML considers projects which correspond to different detection problems on different data types (PDF files , PE, Android applications or Spam for instance). For a given project, several datasets can be used. The directory <input_data_dir>/<project>/<dataset>/ must contain the following items: a file idents.csv, a features and an annotations directories. See input_data/SpamHam/lingspam/ for an example of input dataset.


The input data directory <input_data_dir> is specified in the configuration file.


A csv file containing the identifiers of the instances. It has the following columns:

  • instance_id: integer ;

  • ident: string describing the instance ;

  • [optional] timestamp: date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format) of the instance ;

  • [optional] label: boolean, ground truth label (0 for benign and 1 for malicious) ;

  • [optional] family: string, ground truth family.

The timestamps are required for DIADEM’s temporal validation modes.

features directory

It contains csv files with the features of the instances. It has the following columns:

  • instance_id: integer ;

  • a column for each feature: numeric (float or integer).


The instances in the features files must be stored in the same order as in idents.csv.

The features can also be stored in a sparse format. CSC, CSR and LIL scipy sparse formats are supported. In this case, a description file (see below) must be provided to describe the features.

Optional features description file: <features_filename>_description.csv

The header of a features csv file <features_filename>.csv may be human-readable names or integer ids. Names and more detailed descriptions can be associated to each feature in a file called <features_filename>_description.csv. This description file is optional and it has the following columns:

  • id: feature id (the sames as in <features_filename>.csv) ;

  • name: string describing the feature ;

  • [optional] description: longer string describing the feature ;

  • [optional] type: type of the feature (numeric or binary).

SecuML supports only boolean and numerical features. Categorical features are not supported yet.


If you provide the features’ types in a description file, SecuML will load the dataset more quickly since it does not need to infer them.

Folder of features files

Some features files can be stored in a folder to run experiments on several files. In this case, the features of the different files are concatenated to build a dataset. See Running Experiments for more information.

annotations directory

The ground truth labels and families are stored in the idents.csv file. If only some instances are annotated, their annotations can be stored in a CSV annotation file annotations/<filename>.csv with the following columns:

  • instance_id: integer ;

  • label: boolean, 0 for benign and 1 for malicious;

  • [optional] family: string.

Partial annotations are required for DIADEM, ILAB and rare category detection. Clustering, projection, and features analysis do not require annotations, but they can be leveraged to ease analyses.


Families detail the binary label. Instances sharing the same family behave similarly. For example, malicious instances belonging to the same family may exploit the same vulnerability, they may be polymorphic variants of the same malware, or they may be email messages coming from the same spam campaign.

ILAB and rare category detection require that the families are specified. Besides, the families can be leveraged by DIADEM to cluster alerts according to user-defined malicious families.