Running SecuML on Large Datasets¶
The following tips allow to run SecuML on large datasets.
Storing Features as Sparse Matrices¶
SecuML supports sparse feature matrices for some types of experiments. CSC, CSR and LIL scipy sparse formats are supported (see Data).
Clustering and Projection do not support sparse matrices. Features Analysis supports sparse matrices and the CSC format should be preferred for maximum efficiency.
Regarding DIADEM and ILAB, it depends on the selected model class. SecuML relies on scikit-learn learning algorithms and some of them do not support sparse matrices. You must then refer to the scikit-learn documentation to check whether a given model class can be trained from sparse features and to know the best suited sparse format for maximum efficency.
Proving the Features’ Types¶
The types of the features can be provided in a description file to load the dataset more quickly. When the features’ types are provided, SecuML does not need to infer them.
Reducing the Number of Parallel Jobs¶
Various experiments can be parallelized with the --n-jobs
Reducing the number of jobs allows to decrease the memory usage.
Streaming Validation¶
Detection models trained with DIADEM can be tested
on a validation dataset in streaming thanks to the arguments
--validation-mode ValidationDatasets --validation-datasets <validation_datasets> --streaming
This way the validation instances are not loaded into memory at once which
allows to process bigger datasets.
Scipy sparse matrices cannot be processed in streaming.
Selecting an Appropriate Optimization Algorithm¶
Logistic regression can be trained with various optimization algorithms
, lbfgs
, sag
, and saga
By default, SecuML trains logistic regression models with liblinear
which suits small datasets.
and saga
are more suitable for large datasets.